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Psykiske sten

Water for burning souls

Is there so little to tell these days, Silence has become a permanent presence? In it.

What waits for you in those great halls of space now your words are superfluous?

Can you transform all your energy, that witty play with sentences, morphed into star lore, the O language, the washes from a Heart that runs over with jOy and the fixed pull to raise standards, do better, be aligned, meet destinies, walk paths, make vows, break them when forced another way, jumping timelines, feeling the breeze of cosmic weather, the rush of livelihood only to fall at times back into the human experience, Earth costume, like a Super heroine outfit you wear to disguise your true identity?

Free thinking thought form flows freely without any reciprocity, no dissonant vibration now they're yours alone.

You tune in to double check your sight is not deceiving you, but when you look, seeing the empty space, you can't see their Hearts anymore. So how to connect?

A bit of panic. Is this a nightmare, are you asleep and dreaming, or - horror - are you truly the only one wide awake among these sleep walking ghosts who are simultaneously sharing stuck in a collective nightmare?

You want to open your mouth and scream, but they won't hear you, they can't see you, to them you don't exist.

Drugged on anger and rage. The latest staged media witch hunt apparently stating clearly that women are still making themselves be victims of predatory and abusive men, or so they all agree, and politically correct finger pointing opiniated statements on X -so we all forget about the actual crisis in the world, and that women are absolutely strong and empowered and capable of saying N-O! About personal responsibility, about balance to the forces, and then onto not giving a shit. About you, the witches of this world, the wars of this world or anything else but 'leave me the fuck alone with your irritating presence, the planet's crowded, you know and I'm entitled beyond anyone else, because I can, because I'm worth it in my space-taking me-me-me I simply MUST watch tik-tok reels while I'm walking, so get out of my way'.

So, still suspecting, that it's hell on Earth to be Heavenly, you retreat back into your wordless peace and presence letting the music speak

..'with no restraints

I let my feelings take over

Carry my soul away into the world

Where beauty meets the darkness of the day

Where my mind is like an open window

Where the high and healing winds blow'

And you halt with an embarrassed red rushing to your cheek, realizing you sang along out loud and everybody are staring at you.

So you know.

Your words still matter.

Your stories echo in Eternity.

The Fire that blows in here, your Water is made for.

Image: Wild Woman Sisterhood

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