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Psykiske sten

Sun Venus conjunction

At peace.

Into the quiet serenity of the vast chamber Of the sOul heart and then onto gOd. Everything.

The white Quartz picked up from sacred places provide a grounding, healing space.

Charged by the starlight of Summer sky constellations, the auroras from early Spring and the final snow from late Winter, they asked to be gently carried on the waves of a conscious Sea to offer themselves as healing helpers.

To those who hear their offer.

Intuitively knowing their vibration.

The dream of collecting crystals at the Ocean is recurring. A backdrop reminder of the gifts of the Sea and this Earth.

That we are gifted everything we need in plenty. Our needs are relatively simple and small.

Conversing. Exchanging.

Offering up. Asking for help. Clear and ready.

Having given certain choices, the consequences and manifestation of them a reality check.

Compassion for that version of oneself, who didn't know better at the time.

Gratitude for the option to always change and release and coming into knowing a higher frequency lOve

Those times to do this work. These in-sights.

A confrontational meeting between two Suns. The inner and the current Shine. Merging with this cosmic lOve in such blazing Fire it is alchemy in its highest potency.

It will burn you or transform you.

Your heart will know exactly what you need.

All you must do is ask, engage, decide, let go.

The door is always open.

But today... Today there is a cosmic party, and you are invited to join as the guest of honor.

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