Sowing Stars
The answers come without questions. Why accept life in pain, when joy is so effortlessly accessed? Manifested? It's but a change in attention, a shift to knowing the purpose. Why are you here? Who do you need to please? Yourself or them? The ancestors are here laughing with you. They are the ones who called you here. To teach. To be satisfied. To be known. Ask the rocks kindly to move beneath your spade. Bless the soil to be soft. Ask the spirit of the field to grant you access. It's that simple. And do enjoy your time with it. Why else? Is there anything else? How do you think we did it? It is after all the same soil, the same rocks. Everything returns to the ground, to rise again as texture to the grass, the tree, the leaves. You. Everyone. Star matter. Earth threads to weave. Everything breathes the same Air. You have the mood of the Cosmic tides. Ebbing and flowing in and out of matrices. Back and forth through time.
The Heart opens at the experience of the immensity of love moving rhythmically, governing and yet being the core of every building block of my being. How could I have closed off from sharing the depth of that Heart that wants to experience and exchange.
Calling in. Knowing that what I am seeking, is seeking me.
The Prayer is laid at the altar of time. Asking to be released from certain promises. Knowing I did what I came to do. A New Moon is seen on the horizon of the 11th as the Prayer is received. A new hope. A new vow. Anew.
Anticipating Joy.
Art credit: Valera Lutfullina