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Psykiske sten

Play in the Sun

Some view this world and see acts and events as random. Coincidences.

Some see an Eclipse and feel the fear from constructed superstition.

Some don't bother to look above and beyond, content with being, just being.

I'm not sure I envy those or pity them.

Vast spaces keep many conversations, curious to listen to everything, and hungry for knowing.

Out there and back again.

In always in, but out, out of this world, into the blue, drifting on ether, feeling a pull.

Joy is what I always find.

Listening to the Wind. Hearing the song it creates moving everything on its way. Loud and violent, other times soft and gentle like a lover's caress.

I see intelligence everywhere I look.

I see connectivity.

I see purpose.

I see beauty upon waking to a garden that has burst into Spring overnight. Scented and fertilized with the coolness of stardust and moonlight, they now stretch towards the Sun green and lush for warmth and growth.

Innate wisdom into Fixed Earth.

I know those Giants are here for me. They are also here for you, but I don't know if you know.

Spirit into matter. Living in a House of jOy. ( I built this garden for us )

All about how to live. Being. In lOve. How to love this life.

Turning everything inside out and upside down. Being free.

Releasing ancient disillusions and programmed beliefs.

That's been a theme of late.

Here comes the grand Finale. 21. We turn up the volume. Full up. As the Giants meets.

Aren't we the lucky blessed ones?

Chance upon chance upon chance.

Grab it and make it yours.


I'm gonna play in the Sunshine, turn my lights up to ten, looking for the Big White Rabbit.

Because everywhere I look, I see the force that wants me to succeed.

A hand that is always reaching out.

Wanting to lift me up.

Wanting me to know more. Love more. Feel more.

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