Open your Heart
Massive bodies' consciousness expressing simultaneously.
The outerstellar merges with the interstellar, becoming one and the same.
Voices breaking through the endless chatter debating with the conceptual perception of possibility, constructed thought forms and layers of fear, residual trauma and shock still stored in the memory of the human experience.
An unlearning is happening coinciding an expansion of the ability to connect, opening areas of the Heart that yearns so to lOve, to breathe and let go of the barriers built instantly and automatically after each cut, to protect and prevent, but has become a curfew, a curse, a petrification and makes the jOurney lonelier, sad and bitter.
In the collision of these cosmoses a realization of eternity and breath causes everything to collapse.
In the final moments of Eclipsing everything aligns.
The seemingly unsymmetrical and random chaotic alliance in the meeting between super massive conscious Star sOuls lending a shine of their wisdom to carry you gently, but with great intent, on, forwards, up, out, to finally arrive in the awareness of being fully within.
Knowing there is no where else to ever be, it becomes easy yet complex, because you know now you are eternal.
Looking with eyes that see, hearing with ears that are attuned, there is no distance between the micro and macro.
Here becomes there, it's but a matter of looking.
LOve was always available. Ground always stable. Manifesting possible.
Nothing to ever fear but the vicious voices of the mind.
They stay, these friendly Giants holding this space with an open invitation for you to return and join for a good while longer, when the experience dissolves and folds again, to place you here, in this 'reality', where you are predominantly present, perceiving an existence in a world of duality, a constant balancing act between Heart and Mind.
Where choosing patience, your ability to connect to every Heart you encounter, choosing jOy above everything else and the growth that follows from all that is what life is mostly about.
You know you will return, curious to see if you got it right, and wise enough to not want to miss that chance, because the Giants will not stay there forever.
These visits are rare and great gifts.
Before you go to bed at night try this:
Envision yourself being a shining Star in Cosmos.
Attracting in everything to your field of brightness, jOurneying alongside all your friends who are also Stars in Cosmos attracting everything into their fields of brightness.
Everything is aligned. Everything breathes together.
Open your Heart.