Tangled, but not woven.
Attached, but not bound to.
Free at any moment, understanding there is no Time.
There is only Space and Choice. Dissolving the choices by knowing what Path they pave ironically takes the illusion of Time, that is Space and Choice.
Walk down a Path to try it on, be driven by Curiosity.
There is no way to know.
Be clear on your Intentions.
You are only responsible for your own Actions.
Walk on or pave another.
Detach from the Entanglement, unweave, start anew. Remember you are always free.
You thought you were collecting Stories and Tales?
Writing passionate Words, sweet Poetry of Destiny and Purpose?
Trying to make it fit a Story, you needed to cling to?
Making sense of the Road behind you.
Making sense of Life.
Let go.
You are Nothing.
You are Everything.
Once you know this you connect with Eternity. Once you know, you cannot unknow.
But will you?
Be alone with your Knowing in a world that is designed for Stories. Attachment.
Belonging to each other instead of Eternity.
Love within distracted and mistaken for love without.
A mix up perhaps of having romantic Feelings.
A mirror like Journey through another, looking for the Door to oneself triggered by those
Feelings and Emotions that change like the Tide.
Love is a Constant. Not gained not lost. Only known.
The fundamental Matter in all Things.
I looked in the Book of Words for the common collective's Perception of the Word.
No where does it describe the Essence.
To love Ourselves, our Lives, our Journeys, our Diseases.
Alone time.
The Significance of a Raindrop.
Isn't the Love you are capable of feeling for someone else your Experience?
Isn't the Love someone else is feeling for you their Experience?
Is it so important if someone else has loved you in this Life, when few are interested in knowing what Love means?
What is truly interesting is to question yourself if you loved yourself.
Faced all your shadows?
Embraced all your emotions?
Forgiven yourself any pain you caused Another?
Acknowledged all your egoic Desires?
Without Judgement.
With Compassion.
Now this is exciting.