Did anybody see the Light?
In the totality of all your actions, all of your memory, all your time becomes one breath.
In it you pause to reflect.
A simultaneous calibration of who you were becomes all you are.
Acknowledging every part of it, knowing in full what you are, but uncertain of your impact and the why and what is yet to unfold, because you dare not look on, yet claiming it, holding it, seeing it put together for the first time in a prolonged present instant.
As if out of all time, just observing without judgement or seeking to find reason, meaning or even healing, peace comes.
With it all.
Letting go consciously, willingly, allows for a surrender too.
You cannot carry your life on your back like a burden you cling to. For fear of losing your identity.
And yet you realize you do.
Some things are unfinished.
Who's to know whether you pick it up again. Across the Universe or some other place.
A presence lingers, some grieves go unhealed and last until you meet again.
What are the bonds between the souls who become mother and daughter, or the friends who leave this plane early?
Where is the space for heartache that never heals?
You can bear it. Embrace it.
Your wisdom guides you to be looking forward. Anticipating creation.
Step out of the petrification. It didn't kill you. So live.
Rise. Where could you want to be?
Is it here? Or a sunny beach observing waves?
Remembering vaguely now, but not fully trusting it still in spite of all the miracles you've seen and created and come through...
You can do all that what your soul desires.
Just in case you didn't trust yourself and your choices..
Echoes of messages cleverly woven into everywhere you were and went.
Incidentally guiding you, leading you, weaving it all together until this very moment, people, places, songs..
Wondering if anybody else saw the light?
Where the morn meets the dew and the tide rises..
Did you realize
No one can see inside your view?
Did you realize
For why this sight belongs to you?
It's quiet at first in the dawn of all things.
Then you leap.