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Psykiske sten

Cardinal Earth New Moon

Mad for wanting more?

An internal anger.

A frustration.

Where do those feeling go, when their outlets are so physically and creatively limited and expression misunderstood, as you know yourself from a place of different principles and matter.

Am I this body, these colors my only palette, the Yellow light my only source?

Is an irritation a negative that must be calibrated back to peace or can it change entire societies, worlds even?

Is that arrogance or potential?

Can I go beyond the Ecliptic and breathe for the very first time and space fresh Air, through the Water, into another way of living, claiming that what already is remembered?

Alive forever.

Something else.

The Afterworld.

We're already in it.

Our pasts are on loop.

Who will turn it off?

Are you the only one in a crowd looking up and out and beyond, plugged in to something else?

Looking around for a pair of eyes who has seen the same?

Sad to discover the rest are looking into blue screen light?

Are you alone knowing Cosmos is endless?

Are you imagining where you can go, what it will be like?

Does birthing on then excite you more these days than spending the rest of your human life in a world governed by idiots who haven't the vision, guts and guile to encourage peace, healthy co-creation, respectful human life in harmony with its gentle and loving host, with people who have lost hope and act like it, and the only choice for living is contributing to the destruction whether you want to or not.

When the tide rises and no one saw inside your view, will they sink or swim?

Are you mad for a reason?

Can you unplug from mass consciousness and stick to your own Knowing? Be at peace within, untouched by surrounding energetics, are you questioning the big WHY you are here?

So un-needed, so alone, so alien.

Can you return to the state of joy, excited to see how you may serve today?

Asking to be shown a way.

How to be here.

Waiting for the answer.

It will come.

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