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Psykiske sten


We travel in the cycles of the spaces between.

May comes with all its perfume and beauty, tickling our senses.

Short pleasure, but the jOy lingers and plays an everlasting encore. Awakening in us a quickening, that dissolves every inner resistance to just allow all that really is to just and really be.

You observe the mess with a slightly mad laughter, as all your realities crumble and collapse, the programmings self-destruct and for a while chaos reigns, and it feels exhilarating and freeing.

You pull the plug, finally, take off your shoes and dance in the purple rain.

Dream and reality merge and make life a conscious non linear experience in a vaster vault. Those flowers are in your palm wherever you go and in those exact colors you were told doesn't exist.

Never mind if they are visible to you allone. Rhetorically tried, they will consider you mad all the same.

When you are less grounded but live closer to the sky, closer to gOd, (yeah closer to gOd) closer to yourself there is no then and tomorrow, everything is open, everything becomes a living now, all of the emotions you ever felt you are feeling now, you are 5 years old running through the forests of your childhood.

You are visiting your father's house looking in at the people sleeping in your old room, noticing they kept that painting, and the fields to the left look lusher and wider, than you remember them.

You are everywhere and everyone you have always and ever been. Every incident and happening is alive within you, the sOul memories transcend your human mind, the intellect and the usual order of cause and effect.

You understand how complex life is. Some events happen before you perceived them, live them, and your memory prepare you. You are gifted vision and sensations of being there. Those are the ones that seem extra special.

Small precious gifts that either play upon your heart or pull at its strings and haunt you, wondering whether you have gone insane or are touching upon something truly rare.

Some stories you never see unfold, and they make you curious about the location of that Universe you must be living that line instead and if you ever get to see it. Feel it. And then you realize, you already are.

Journeying then wherever you want to, once initiated and beckoned to go your own way, having RSVP'd and joined the special invitation to the U-J-M grand finale recently partying hard all night, you know freedom at last.

Accepting your human limitations as long as the main focus, the one thing you can't remember why, is here, is a kind of liberating premise adding to your true sanity.

At long last.

May always comes bearing gifts.


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